Your investment in IU Hillel will help inspire a Jewish future.
Over 4,000 Jewish students attend Indiana University. College is a critical time when students embark on paths impacting the rest of their lives. IU Hillel provides meaningful Jewish experiences and helps students make an enduring commitment to Jewish life. Your generous tax-deductible donation will enable us to provide a warm, welcoming Jewish home on the IU campus.
Make an online donation: Make a secure online gift here.
Mail a check: payable to Hillel Foundation at Indiana University at 730 E. Third St., Bloomington, IN 47401.
Stock Gifts: Making a gift of appreciated securities is an easy way to support IU Hillel and receive multiple tax benefits. Please contact for more information.
Matching Gifts: Does your employer offer a matching gift program? If so, this option can double or possibly triple your contribution to IU Hillel. For details about matching gifts, please contact IU Hillel or your employer’s administrator.
Donor Advised Funds (DAF): You can make your grant recommendation through your DAF to Hillel Foundation at Indiana University using our Tax ID: 20-2804389.
IRA Distribution: If you are age 70 ½ or older, there is greater flexibility with making a Qualified Charitable Distribution from your IRA to IU Hillel. Here is a letter template for you to fill out and send to your IRA plan administrator.