Life and Legacy
Help ensure a strong and enduring Jewish future by making a commitment to leave a planned gift from your retirement fund, insurance policy, or estate.
The Life & Legacy program is a partnership between the Harold Grinspoon Foundation, the Jewish Federation of Greater Indianapolis, IU Hillel, and twelve other central Indiana Jewish organizations with the mission of strengthening and assuring that IU Hillel and the Jewish Community will have a strong and vibrant tomorrow.
Life and Legacy assists communities across North America, through partnerships with Jewish Federations and Foundations, to promote after-lifetime giving to benefit Jewish day schools, synagogues, social service organizations and other Jewish entities.
How do I leave my legacy?
Why should you include IU Hillel in your estate planning?
To pass your values to your family and your community
To express your desire for a vibrant Jewish future at IHC
To continue the traditions and programs you love here
To be part of something bigger than yourself
To do something for the future that you might not be able to do today
How do you participate?
Reflect on your Jewish passions and your vision for a Jewish future.
Have a conversation with a member of the Life and Legacy team.
Discover ways to leave a future gift that makes the most sense for you and your family.
Sign a Letter of Intent, and mail to IU Hillel.
Formalize your commitment by making the relevant changes to your will, retirement account beneficiaries, life insurance policy, or other estate plan. It can be a percentage or a specific dollar amount.