Antisemitism is not a new issue on college campuses but the stark increase is new. We need your help to combat the new increase in antisemitism and continue to establish programs that support students in the future.

You can help make a difference today!

College campuses nationwide were propelled into the spotlight after October 7th, 2023. Reports of antisemitic incidents on college campuses skyrocketed by as much as 700%.

Students were confronted with anti-Israel and anti-Jewish epithets, accusations of colonialism, and images of the death to Zionists painted on campus. Some students were hesitant to wear Jewish stars, kippahs, or t-shirts in support of Israel in fear of being targeted.

 At the IU Hillel we responded with a large vigil on October 9, provided mental health counselors for students, provided round-the-clock food and assistance to students, and counseling for students as to how to fill out bias incident forms. We provided classes on the history and roots of antisemitism, tabeling on campus to show Jewish pride (It’s not black and white giving out Oreo cookies), showcased a Shabbat table set for all the hostages, and arranged for speakers.

We need your help to continue this important work!

IU Hillel created a new club – the White Rose Circle - which is tasked to fight against Jew hate via pro-active educational programming. The name was chosen in memory of Sophie Scholl and the White Rose Movement, which provided youth resistance to the Nazi regime.

We continue our mission to combat antisemitism with new education programs, mental health initiatives, and student-led groups.

Our work to combat hate is never over but with your support, we know we’ll leave the students of today more prepared for the challenges they may face tomorrow.

Every donation is an entry to win!


All donations made between 8/27 and 9/17 will be entered in a giveaway for an IU Football Package during Family Weekend (9/28). The package includes four tickets, pre-game on-field passes, and the pre-game tailgate with IU Sports Properties at 17th and Woodlawn. Entries are not limited. Donate as often as possible to earn more chances to win. #GOIU

Winner will be selected at random and notified by 9/20.



#lightupthestar 〰️

Check and cash donations are also welcome. Please send checks to The Hillel Foundation of Indiana University at 730 E. Third Street, Bloomington, IN, 47401. Thank you for your support!