IU Hillel

Two Exciting New Ways to Get Involved!

All Jewish students are automatically members of IU Hillel. Your purchase of a Discover IU Hillel Card and/or Jewber Eats helps sustain programming throughout the year and connects your student to IU Hillel and Bloomington in style!

Purchase TODAY!

$118 Each or $218 for Both

The Discover IU Hillel Card is a great way to show your IU and Jewish pride together! Your purchase includes:

  • Indiana in Hebrew t-shirt

  • Passover Meal Plan

  • Welcome Sway Bag

  • Over $200 worth of coupons and discounts to local Bloomington restaurants, cafes, and bakeries.

Jewber Eats at IU Hillel

Home-baked, delicious, kosher, sweet treats made at IU Hillel and delivered to students 6 times throughout the academic year!

(Bubbies cookies, Zadie’s Brownies, rugelach, honey cake, sufganiyot, hamantashen, and more…!)

Discover IU Hillel Card and Jewber Eats