IU Hillel Alumni

Once a Hoosier, always a Hoosier. The smell of the Arboretum as you walked to class, the view of the shops and restaurants lining Kirkwood as you walk through the Sample Gates, the excitement of IU basketball games and Little 5 — all of these are familiar to any IU Alumni.
But only Hillel's students can remember the smell of challah before Shabbat dinner, and the fresh soup delivered to your doorstep when you were sick. We want to continue making these types of memories for Hillel's future alumni.
As we get ready to start another school year, we would love to hear from you:
Where are you living?
Special milestones or simchas (marriage, babies, new jobs?)
Please fill out the IU Hillel Alumni Network form (click button to the left) and send us a current photo (hopefully in IU garb!). AND, if you’d like to have one of our exculsive, 2023 limited-edition HOO HOO HOO HOOSIERS t-shirts (shown below), we’d love to sell one to you for a donation of $36 or more! Make your donation via the Alumni Network form (left) and then email cobie@iuhillel.org with your desired t-shirt size.