IU Hillel Student Profile

Be sure to fill out your IU Hillel Student Profile. The only way we can get to know the Jewish students on campus is if you share your contact information with us. By filling out a student profile we are able to reach out and connect with you throughout your time at IU. Hillel offers so many opportunities to help transition to your first year on campus.

Purchase the Discover Hillel and Jewber Eats Packages Today!

All Jewish students are automatically members of IU Hillel. Your purchase of an IU Discover Hillel helps sustain programming throughout the year and connects your student to IU Hillel and Bloomington in style!

Jewber Eats is a new program that provides six delicious sweet kosher treats for your student throughout the 2024/2025 academic year. All items are delivered to the student at their dorm/ residence.

Purchase each today for $180.


How to Get Involved?

Check out the many different IU Hillel Jewish student organizations on campus!

Follow us on Social Media for the latest IU Hillel and IU Campus Updates!